Infinity Campaign Progress:

Infinity Campaign Progress:
PlayersRace / ArmyTotal GamesWinsLossesTiesCampaign Points
GrahamYu Jing40223

Monday, April 27, 2015

AAR: 200 Pt Pan Oceana vs Nomads!

Well, been a while since I posted a report here.  I haven’t been completely negligent in my gaming.  I spent the previous weekend mentoring a new player through his first game of Infinity.  He was playing Pan Oceana and as that was my first army, I mentored him as he played someone else.  If I had been paying attention, I would have avoided a lot of suffering this last weekend…

So, we upgraded our points to 200 points and rolled our random missions:
Urban Setting (Cargo containers everywhere – what else could it be???)

Détente: The 1st person to shot loses 1 VP!

Commercial: TAGs and Remotes that shoot cause the player to lose 1 VP!

Wargames – Players are practicing their tactics and strategies.  Players get 1VP for each opponent that is unconscious.  Lose 1 VP for every opponent that’s been killed!


  • Interventor (Lt.) with Fast Panda
  • Mobile Brigada
  • Spectre (Infiltrated & Deployed on Maintenance Module on the Nomad’s Right)
  • Grenzer with Multi Sniper Rifle
  • Reverend Healer
  • 2 Alguacile Paramedics
  • 1 (regular) Alguacile (the Female Model)

Pan Oceana:
  • Akal Commando
  • Croc Man
  • Fusilier Paramedic
  • 2 Fusiliers
  • Nisses with Multi Sniper Rifle
  • 2 Orcs (1 was the Lt.)

Pan Oceana won the WIP Roll and chose to control who got Initiative…

Deployment Photos:

Nomad's Deployment
(Ignore the TAG in the Left Corner...)

Side View of the Play Area

PanO Deployment Area

PanO Turn 1:
The Nisses on top of the Cargo Container shot at the Alguacil, but both models rolled Crit and cancelled each other!  The damage was done, though.  PanO lost 1 VP for having fired the 1st shot!  The Nisses spent a second order and this time knocked out the Alguacil on top of the Cargo Container – we rolled to see if she would fall off or not, but she landed safely on top of the container.

Nomad's Alguacil Knocked Out!

The Commando moved forward on the Nomad’s Left, a Fusilier ran forward near the center, right and the TO Camo marker (Gee, wonder who that was?) moved forward on the Nomad’s Right.  The Mobile Brigada attempted to discover the TO Camo marker as it moved, but failed.

A Fusilier on the Nomad’s Left moved forward and climbed on top of the Maintenance Module on the PanO side of the table, then spent the final order to lay down Suppressive Fire.

Fusilier goes into Supression Mode

Nomad’s Turn 1:
Already, I wasn’t liking this.  First things first, one of the Medics moved over and successfully healed the unconscious Alguacil.  Seeking vengeance, the Alguacil on the Cargo Container spent an order to shoot and move off the container, targeting both the Nisses and the Fusilier on the roof tops.  The shot at the Nisses hits and wounds the Nisses and knocked him out!  The Fusilier’s ARO shot did hit the Alguacil, but her armour saved her as she climbed off of the Cargo Container and out of the Fusilier’s Line of fire.

The Spektre revealed himself as he shot at the Fusilier on the Maintenance module, the shot deflected off the Fusilier’s armour as he dove for cover and out-of-sight!  With no one able to see him, the Spektre once more engaged the TO Camo and disappeared from sight…

The Mobile Brigada once more attempted to discover the TO Marker but failed.  So he spent another order to move forward and douse the area with his flamer (after successfully passing a WIP roll), but the TO counter successfully dodged out of the line of fire and escaped.

The Mobile Brigada then moved to peek around the inner aisle of the Cargo Containers while the Reverend Healer moved to the corner to watch down the other aisle, covering the Brigada’s back.

Reverend Healer Watching Brigada's Back!

The Rest of the Nomads After Turn 1!

PanO Turn 2:
The Nisses was successfully healed by the Paramedic.  The Nisses then successfully discovered the Spectre for one order and shot at him for another order.  The Spektre attempted to dodge but was still hit and knocked unconscious!

Nisses Knocks Out The Spektre!

The Croc Man deployed a Camo Token (You don’t suppose it was a mine, do you?) revealing himself.  However, as he was out-of-sight behind the cargo container, he immediately spent another order to re-camo himself.

The Commando peeked around the corner and in a face-to-face roll, shot and knocked one of the Alguacil Paramedics unconscious!

Nomads Turn 2:
The Interventor moved forward behind the Cargo Containers and spent 2 orders attempting to hack one of the Orc Heavy Troops and finally immobilized it for 1 full turn!  Our first successful hack!!!

The Reverend Healer moved towards the Spektre and attempted to save him, but ended up killing the Spektre with a failed WIP roll!

Adding misery to misery, the remaining Alguacil Paramedic failed to save his fellow!  OUCH!

Nomads At End of Turn 2!

Reverend Healer Failed to Save the Spektre!

PanO Turn 3:
The Nisses fired at the Reverend Healer who dodged for cover at the parapet of the Maintenance Module (Bad call!).  The Nisses spent another order to demonstrate why and knocked the Reverend Healer Unconcious!

With the Revernd knocked out, no one was watching the Brigada’s back, so the TO Camo marker spent an order for Sneak and then a second order to shot the Brigada in the back!  The Brigada did successfully warn the Interventor that the Croc Man was there, which allowed the Interventor to turn with his back to a wall and to face the Croc Man.

The Commando then peeked around another corner, once more in the Interventor’s blind spot and shot him in the back.  Amazingly, the Interventor’s armour stopped all 3 successful hits from the Commando’s burst!
A Fusilier shot at the Mobile Brigada around the corner of a Cargo Container, but the Brigada declared a Flamer attack as an ARO, so the Fusilier dodged back out of the line of fire, though the Fusilier did succeed in wounding the Brigada with his gun burst!

Finally, the Commando blasted the Interventor, knocked him unconcious and moved to safety behind the corner.  Ending the turn.

Nomads Turn 3:
There was no Turn 3.  With the Interventor unconscious, I was at “Loss of Lieutenant”!  All the remaining troops were assigned Irregular orders which allowed me to move figures to cover all their backs.  The Female Alguacil became the new Lieutenant.

We rolled and verified the game would continue one more turn…

The Last Of The Nomads Try To Hold Out!

PanO Turn 4:
Croc Man goes back into TO Mode again.
Croc then moved to corner and shot around the corner, targeting one shot at each Nomad model: the 2 Alguacil and the Grenzer (whose back is turned).  The Alguaciles miss their ARO shot back and the Croc man only hits and wounds the Grenzer – knocking him out.  Another order and another Alguacil is knocked out while the other successfully dodged between the Cargo Containers after the armour saved her life.  Finally an Orc moved up and unloaded on the Alguacil and knocked her out (3 hits – fortunately she made 2 armour saves).

Nomads Turn 4:
No turn – everyone is dead or unconscious.

End of Game!

Nomads:              NADA!
PanO:                    -1VP      Fist Shot
                               -2VP      2 Dead Nomads (unfair, we both agreed, but the mission rules                                                           specify ANY Dead)
                                +6VP     6 Unconscious Nomads
                                +3VP Total

Pan O Win!
WOW!  Tough Game!

I don’t know whether to be proud that Derrick won so completely after just learning the game or be appalled by the fact he tabled me so easily!

The Nisses on the back cargo container completely dominated the table from turn 1.  A great Sniper rifle with good ballistic skills and a Multi-Spectrum Visor that cancelled any bonuses my camo would have provided – what can I say?  I was intimidated!  Anything I tried to do to neutralize him ended in failure, though I DID manage to wound him and knock him out once, but he didn’t stay unconscious!  Lesson boys and girls: Always take at least 1 medic!

Though to be honest, my own Medics didn’t do so hot.  Two failed recovery attempts.  The only good thing about it was that it ended up costing the PanO some Victory Points.

I can’t fault the PanO – they trapped me in the corner from turn 1 and I couldn’t find a way to break out.  Smart Move and a good game!

(I’ll get my revenge sometime!!!)  :-P

1 comment:

  1. Fun game. Still getting used to the rules. Still have to print more markers.
